3050SE Servo Motor Screen Printing Machine

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3050SE 聽Servo Motor聽 Flat Screen Printing Machine

Techinical data:

Printing size:400*600 mm 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽max printing size:300*500 mm

Max frame size:500*700 mm 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽printing speed:900 pcs/hr

Max screen frame thickness:20-30 mm 聽聽聽聽聽max printing thickness:0-50 mm

Machine size:920*750*1570 mm 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽machine weight:280kg


Product features:

  1. Horizontal slide seat adopts bilinear guide rail structure,strength and coarseness are improved,stable operation.
  2. Screen clip frame adopts active cantilever debugging,light structure.
  3. Screen lifting adopts servo motor with ball screw drive,linear guide rail,fast running ,running form,plate spacing can be set,to ensure high precision printing requirements.
  4. printing stroke adopts servo motor,with bilinear guide rail,fast and stable operation,accurate positioning ,stroke ,speed CNC setting,to ensure high precision printing requirements.
  5. Newly designed printing seat,integrated scraper,ink knife angle,depth,printing pressure and other multiple adjustment mechanism,to meet various printing effects and convenient operation requirements.
  6. Three point fine tuning precision easy adjustment ,make the adjustment fast and accurate.
  7. Man-machine interface numerical control,can set a variety of functions and operation parameters,conductive to the operation of data and standardization.
  8. Oil-free three-point combination does not produce exhaust oil mist pollution,suitable for dust-free room use.


  1. 妯粦搴ч噰鐢ㄥ弻绾挎у杞ㄧ粨鏋勶紝寮哄害鍙婄矖搴︽彁楂橈紝杩愯绋冲畾銆
  2. 缃戠増澶规閲囩敤娲诲姩鎮噦璋冭瘯锛岀粨鏋勮交鐩堛
  3. 缃戠増鍗囬檷閲囩敤浼烘湇椹揪閰嶅悎婊氱彔涓濇潌浼犲姩锛岀嚎鎬у杞ㄥ鍚戯紝杩愯蹇燂紝杩愯琛ㄥ崟锛岀増闂磋窛鍙锛屼繚璇佸嵃鍒烽珮绮惧害瑕佹眰銆
  4. 鍗板埛琛岀▼閲囩敤浼烘湇椹揪锛屾惌閰嶅弻绾挎у杞ㄥ鍚戯紝杩愯蹇熷钩绋筹紝瀹氫綅绮惧噯锛岃绋嬨侀熷害鏁版帶璁剧疆锛屼繚璇佸嵃鍒烽珮绮惧害瑕佹眰銆
  5. 鍏ㄦ柊璁捐鍗板埛搴э紝闆嗘垚鍒垁銆佽澧ㄥ垁涔嬭搴︺佹繁搴︼紝鍗板帇绛夊閲嶈皟鏁存満鏋勶紝婊¤冻鍚勭鍗板埛鏁堟灉鍙婁究鎹锋搷浣滆姹傘
  6. 涓夌偣寰皟绮惧瘑鏄撹皟锛屼娇璋冩暣蹇熺簿鍑嗐
  7. 浜烘満鐣岄潰鏁板兼帶鍒讹紝鍙缃绉嶅姛鑳藉強鎿嶄綔鍙傛暟锛屽埄浜庢搷浣滄暟鎹寲鍙婃爣鍑嗗寲銆
  8. 鍏嶆补寮忎笁鐐圭粍鍚堜笉浜х敓鎺掓皵娌归浘姹℃煋锛岄傚悎鏃犲皹瀹ゅ唴浣跨敤銆


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